measure and cut drywall


SWIFT is an ingenious multipurpose solution for those who need to measure and cut drywall.

Another tape measure?….Yep,  But this is different!

SWIFT , the ultimate tool for precise cuts in drywall and other materials. Our metric tape is designed with a unique “bent steel edge” and a convenient CLIP guide, providing unparalleled accuracy without compromising the functionality and design of a traditional metric tape.





What is SWIFT?

SWIFT is a solution that features a tape measure and CLIP that allow accurate drywall panels cuts in a single attempt. The clip has two slots that hold both the tip of the tape measure and the utility knife.

The three reasons the SWIFT will make your life easier are:

  1. Saving time and money.
  2. It is more secure.
  3. The clip is lightweight.

SWIFT Close Look up


It consists of a tape measure and a clip that provide stability and security when cutting through drywall.

The tape measure has a guide at its base that provides support and stability while working.

The clip has two special slots: the first to insert the hook for the tape measure and the second to insert the utility knife. In this way you achieve the best results in a short time.

The SWIFT tape measure, has no limits, whether you want to cut materials like drywall, it serves you to take all kinds of measurements, like a standard tape meter.

What are the Benefits of using SWIFT?

You save time and money

To install drywall you need to hold the tip of the tape measure together with the utility knife, all this with a single hand while with the other you hold the base of said tape.

With SWIFT this does not happen thanks to the fact that both the tape measure and the utility knife are attached to the clip. 

This combination improves precision and stabilizes the cut so you don’t have to spend more time, money and effort to standardize professional-finished panels plus you get two products for the price of one.

It is safer

When you work with the regular tools on the market and normal physical exhaustion occurs, the chances of having accidents in fingers and hands due to a poor grip of the utility knife are very high.

Whether you are a professional or a company  you want to avoid at all costs not only injuries but also the economic consequences that derive from this type of work accident, in addition to other difficulties .

With SWIFT, its small but powerful clip does not leave room for the utility knife to lose stability, thus considerably reducing the possibility of an incident of this nature.

The clip is light

Carrying with tools to carry out professional work is uncomfortable and the excessive load affects the health of those who carry out this work.  

El clip that extends the usefulness of the tape has a size and weight so light that will not bring greater burden on your tools when moving.

That is why you will enjoy all the advantages and you will not have the terrible feeling of shitting with an additional weight.

Take Advantage of using SWIFT

Although SWIFT is a product that can be used by any industry or person, the truth is that it has unique advantages for the professional or company that deals in the installation of drywall.

What can I measure with SWIFT?

SWIFT is a conventional tape. It also has the advantage of having a clip (separated) and a guide to make well-done cuts in drywall. 

What is the SWIFT clip for?

The SWIFT is incredibly useful for construction workers, especially those associated to drywall and framing. It can be somewhat difficult and dangerous for beginners and the clip of the SWIFT solves that problem.

What other function does SWIFT do besides helping to make straight cuts in drywall.

The tape measure since it was invented has not had significant changes. Its special guide allows you to make exact drywall cuts in addition to protecting your hands.

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